Results for 'Joana R. C. Kuntz'

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  1.  52
    Exploring Individual and Contextual Antecedents of Attitudes Toward the Acceptability of Cheating and Plagiarism.Joana R. C. Kuntz & Chandele Butler - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (6):478-494.
    The purpose of this study was to identify the relative contribution of individual and contextual predictors to students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism. A group of 324 students from a tertiary institution in New Zealand completed an online survey. The findings indicate that gender, justice sensitivity, and understanding of university policies regarding academic dishonesty were the key predictors of the students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism, both as agents of dishonest conduct and as witnesses (...)
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    Characterizing Ethical Cases: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual Differences, Organisational Climate, and Leadership on Ethical Decision-Making. [REVIEW]J. R. C. Kuntz, J. R. Kuntz, Detelin Elenkov & Anna Nabirukhina - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):317-331.
    The primary purpose of this study was to explore the unique impact of individual differences (e.g. gender, managerial experience), social culture, ethical leadership, and ethical climate on the manner in which individuals analyse and interpret an organisational scenario. Furthermore, we sought to explore whether the manner in which a scenario is initially interpreted by respondents (i.e. as a legal issue, ethical issue, and/or ethical dilemma) influenced subsequent recognition of the relevant stakeholders involved and the identification of intra- and extra-organisational variables (...)
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  3. Surveying Philosophers About Philosophical Intuition.J. R. Kuntz & J. R. C. Kuntz - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4):643-665.
    This paper addresses the definition and the operational use of intuitions in philosophical methods in the form of a research study encompassing several regions of the globe, involving 282 philosophers from a wide array of academic backgrounds and areas of specialisation. The authors tested whether philosophers agree on the conceptual definition and the operational use of intuitions, and investigated whether specific demographic variables and philosophical specialisation influence how philosophers define and use intuitions. The results obtained point to a number of (...)
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    The phase-field model in tumor growth.Rui D. M. Travasso, Mario Castro & Joana C. R. E. Oliveira - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):183-206.
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    Looking for the Brain Inside the Initial Teacher Training and Outreach Books in Portugal.Joana R. Rato, Jorge Amorim & Alexandre Castro-Caldas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The fascination with brain research is widespread, and school teachers are no exception. This growing interest, usually noticed by the increased supply of short-term training or books on how to turn the brain more efficient, leads us to think about their basic training and outreach resources available. Little is known about what the official Initial Teacher Training offers concerning the brain literature and if it meets scientific standards. Also, what are the science communication materials that teachers can access to learn (...)
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  6. Surveying Philosophers: a Response to Kuntz & Kuntz.Wesley Buckwalter - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (4):515-524.
    Experimental philosophers have recently questioned the use of intuitions as evidence in philosophical methods. J. R. Kuntz and J. R.C. Kuntz (2011) conduct an experiment suggesting that these critiques fail to be properly motivated because they fail to capture philosophers' preferred conceptions of intuition‐use. In this response, it is argued that while there are a series of worries about the design of this study, the data generated by Kuntz and Kuntz support, rather than undermine, the motivation (...)
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    Promoting Success and Persistence in Pandemic Times: An Experience With First-Year Students.Joana R. Casanova, Alexandra Gomes, Maria Alfredo Moreira & Leandro S. Almeida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The transition and adaptation of students to higher education involve a wide range of challenges that justify some institutional practices promoting skills that enable students to increase their autonomy and to face the difficulties experienced. The requirements for this adaptation were particularly aggravated by the containment and sanitary conditions associated with coronavirus disease 2019. With the aim of promoting academic success and preventing dropout in the first year, a support program was implemented for students enrolled in two courses in the (...)
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    Testing predictions and gaining insights from dynamic state-variable models.R. C. Ydenberg - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):109-110.
  9.  23
    (1 other version)No Title available: REVIEWS.R. C. Zaehner - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):561-562.
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    No Title available.R. C. Zaehner - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):568-569.
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    De-Rham currents and charged particle interactions in electromagnetic and gravitational fields.C. T. J. Dodson & R. W. Tucker - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (3-4):307-328.
    A coordinate-free formulation is established for (semi) classical particle-field interactions. The exterior language of spacetime chains and De-Rham currents enables the description to include extended strings and membranes besides point particles. Treating physical fields in terms of sections of particular bundles, a unified account of interactions is presented in terms of an intrinsic action principle on a bundle of jets over spacetime. The theory is illustrated by considering the specific model of point particles with intrinsic spin covariantly coupled to theU(1) (...)
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    A History of the Ayyubid Sultans of Egypt.R. Stephen Humphreys, Taqī al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī, R. J. C. Broadhurst & Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2):449.
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  13. Bisexuality and the problem of its social acceptance.C. R. Austin - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (3):132-137.
    Professor Austin explores four main areas in this paper. First of all he outlines the physical development of sex differentiation in the embryo. He develops this by describing the clinical manifestations of abnormality which can appear at that stage. Professor Austin points out that there are relatively few people with abnormalities and that those who do show homosexual tendencies are not noticeably different from the norm in terms of their sexual equipment and hormone levels. It is much more likely that (...)
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    Sir C. T. Newton Sir C. T. Newton.R. C. Jebb - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (01):81-85.
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  15. LODGE, R. C. -Plato's Theory of Education. [REVIEW]R. C. Cross - 1948 - Mind 57:537.
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    Mediaeval art and America.C. R. Morey - 1944 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 7 (1):1-6.
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    Expression Meaning, Conversation, and Indirect Speech Acts.C. R. Carr - 1978 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):89-100.
  18. "C.S. Evans, "Kierkegaard's "Fragments" and "Postscript": The religious philosophy of Johannes Climacus".R. C. Roberts - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):175.
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  19. Effects of positive suggestions and music presented during anesthesia.C. Korunka, G. Guttmann, D. Schleinitz, M. Hilpert, R. Haas & S. Fitzal - 1993 - In P. S. Sebel, B. Bonke & E. Winograd, Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia. Prentice-Hall.
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  20. The conception of the Real. IId Part.R. C. Adhikary - 1939 - Scientia 33 (66):217.
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  21. Practical methods for improving the welfare of horses, donkeys, and other working draught animals in developing areas.R. Heleski Camie, K. McLean Amy & C. Swanson Janice - 2010 - In Temple Grandin, Improving animal welfare: a practical approach. Cambridge, MA: CAB International.
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  22. De wijsbegeerte van Merleau-Ponty.R. C. Kwant - 1968 - Antwerpen: [Het Sprectrum. Edited by Maurice Merleau-Ponty & R. C. Kwant.
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    Mensbeelden.R. C. Kwant (ed.) - 1973 - Alphen aan den Rijn,: Samsom.
    Vijf Nederlandse filosofen geven elk vanuit een andere filosofische achtergrond weer wat hun mensbeeld is.
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  24. Wijsbegeerte van de ontmoeting.R. C. Kwant - 1966 - Antwerpen,: Het Spectrum.
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  25. A molecular approach to the study of genic heterozygosity in natural populations. 2, Amount of variation and degree of heterozygosity in natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura.R. C. Lewontin & J. L. Hubby - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise, Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  26. Face perception and recognition in eyewitness memory.R. C. L. Lindsay, J. K. Mansour, N. Kalmet, M. I. Bertrand & L. Whaley - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.C. J. Ruijgh, J. H. Jongkees, W. J. Verdenius, G. Schreiner, J. C. Kamerbeek, W. J. W. Koster, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, B. A. Van Groningen, J. H. Croon, G. J. D. Aalders, E. Boswinkel, H. L. W. Nelson, R. E. H. Westendorp Boerma & P. J. Enk - 1961 - Mnemosyne 14 (4):325-378.
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    Philosophy, culture, and value: essays on the thoughts of G.C. Pande.R. C. Pradhan (ed.) - 2008 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
    Govind Chandra Pande, b. 1923, Indian philosopher and historian; contributed articles.
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    An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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  30. Commentary on Ramachandran and Hirstein.C. Martindale, R. L. Gregory, B. Mangan, B. J. Baars, J. Kindy, P. Mitter, J. Lanier & R. Wallen - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (6-7):52-75.
  31. 'The handmaiden of industry': Marine science and fisheries development in south Africa 1895-1939.C. Revelle, S. Snyder, P. Nagels, E. Sleeckx, R. Callaerts, L. Tichy & L. Sittert - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (4):531-558.
    The preparation of layers of amorphous Se by plasma-enhanced CVD using the hydride H2Se as precursor gas is described. Information concerning the structure of the films was obtained from Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of amorphous Se indicated that the dominant molecular structure is the eight-membered ring and/or a chain with Se8 molecular fragments. This material exhibited reversible photodarkening when illuminated at 77 K. In order to explain this phenomenon, we propose a mechanism which takes into account the role of the (...)
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  32. Revue analytique des Revues.M. C. R. - 1908 - Revue Thomiste 16 (1/6):663.
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    Heidegger Plus.C. R. Bukala - 1983 - Philosophy Today 27 (2):154-168.
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  34. Floor systems with composite form reinforced concrete slabs.C. E. Ekberg & R. M. Schuster - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  35. The Relationship between Popular Sport and Fine Art.C. L. R. James - 1974 - In Harold Thomas Anthony Whiting & D. W. Masterson, Readings in the aesthetics of sport. London: Lepus Books : [Distributed by] Kimpton. pp. 99--106.
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  36. Quality of Motivation Questionnaire Predicts Codependency.R. C. Martin, B. Rutkowski & R. Eshelbrenner - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):493-493.
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    (1 other version)Speeding up problem solving by abstraction: a graph oriented approach.R. C. Holte, T. Mkadmi, R. M. Zimmer & A. J. MacDonald - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 85 (1-2):321-361.
  38. Girl helpers and nursing women's activities among the Toba of Argentina.R. M. Bove, C. Valeggia & P. T. Ellison - 2002 - Human Nature 13:457-72.
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  39. 290/Name Index Bouchaud, JP 112,116 Bousquet, GH 230 Bovens. L. 3, 61,139 Bowles, S. 216,229.R. Boyd, M. Brown, S. C. Brown, J. C. Bryce, J. Buchanan, C. Bulcaen, S. Burks, M. F. Bumyeat, G. Busino & C. Castelfranchi - 2008 - In Maria-Carla Galavotti, Reasoning, Rationality and Probability. CSLI Publications. pp. 289.
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  40. Palmadusta gracilis (Gaskoin, 1849)-Récolte d'un spécimen sur la côte méditerranéenne d'Israël.C. Delongueville & R. Scaillet - 1989 - Arion 14 (1):5-7.
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    Epitaxial dislocations.C. M. Sargent & G. R. Purdy - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (1):27-35.
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  42. Locke, Berkeley, Hume.C. R. Morris - 1931 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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  43. John Perry on Cognitive Significance.R. C. Majhi - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2):225-236.
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    G. Laudizi: D. Giunio Giovenale: Il frammento Winstedt. (Studi e Testi, Serie Latina, 1.) Pp. 104. Lecce: Adriatica Editrice Salentina, 1982. Paper.R. C. T. Parker - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (2):391-391.
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    The Greek Sanctuary.R. C. T. Parker - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (02):381-.
  46.  35
    The Use of Fetal and Anencephalic Tissue for Transplantation.R. C. Cefalo & H. T. Engelhardt - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (1):25-43.
    Advances in transplantation have extended the life and relieved the suffering of thousands of individuals. The prospect of being able to use tissues from embryos, as well as from anencephalic newborns, offers the promise of further relief of suffering. However, these possibilities raise significant moral and public policy issues. The question arises of the extent to which those who disapprove of abortion may make use of tissues derived from abortion in order to treat serious diseases. This essay argues that, with (...)
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    Maximality in modal logic.R. C. Flagg & H. Friedman - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (2):99-118.
  48. Motivation and attitudes in second language learning.R. C. Gardner - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 348--355.
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    Length of the practice period and efficiency in motor learning.R. C. Travis - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (3):339.
  50.  33
    The effect of electric shock on learning in eye-hand coördination.R. C. Travis & H. C. Anderson - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (1):101.
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